God Will Always Find You – Part 1

“…Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.”                                                                                                                                 Luke 15:6 ( KJV)

One of the prominent Pharisees invited Jesus to eat bread with him on the Sabbath Day. After healing a man “suffering from abnormal swelling of his body” (Luke 14 – NIV), Jesus tried to explain the incredible love and faithfulness of God the Father to everyone gathered there using rhetorical questions. In Luke 15, He used three parables to highlight His point. 

In the first, Jesus likened us to being part of a flock where one had wandered off and gotten lost. The Good Shepherd, He said, would leave the ninety-nine and go searching for that one lost sheep. And when he finds it, He said, he would rejoice and take it home on his shoulders where he would even call His friends and family to rejoice with him. 

In the second parable, Jesus referred to the lost as one of ten silver pieces that was missing in the house. He asked the people whether the homeowner would not light a candle and sweep and search carefully until the coin was found. Again, He said when that which was lost is found, there is great rejoicing. 

The third parable is that of the prodigal son, who had called for his part of his inheritance from his father. He had taken it, wasted it, and was at his lowest point when he realised that away from His father’s loving providence and covering was not where he wanted to be. He, therefore, repented and returned home. He sought and gratefully received his father’s forgiveness. 

Today, we might be a part of a large group of people; we may feel insignificant, and others may see us as just part of the crowd, but God the Father sees us as precious individuals – worthy enough to warrant leaving the others to come searching for us. Or we may be right in the house, relatively safe, but still not available when needed. We may even be like the prodigal son, seemingly out of reach of our Father’s loving arms, but God always knows exactly where we are.  His love will always compel Him to search for us and find us. Hallelujah!


Heavenly Father, our hearts rejoice today over the fact that You have found us. We thank You for saving us through the blood of Your Son Jesus. In Your loving arms, we are safe. We promise not to wander off again. Sometimes, we forget how precious we are in Your sight. Please forgive us for allowing the enemy to lead us astray. Use us, Lord, to encourage others to stay safe in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Isaiah 43:1-4; Luke 15:7

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 4:20-27; Matthew 27:45-66; Exodus 13; Exodus 14

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